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Use and training methods of leg prosthesis

2019-08-21 10:07:15 baiye 65

First, how to wear leg prosthesis correctly?

This article takes the patellar ligament load-bearing leg prosthesis as an example to introduce the correct wearing method.

(1) Wearing method: First, a thin and smooth nylon sock cover is put on the stump, which can reduce the friction on the skin of the stump and protect the skin of the stump; then, a 1-2 layer cotton thread sock cover is put on to absorb sweat and adjust the capacity of the stump receiving cavity. If the prosthetic limb is worn for a long time, the shape of the residual limb will change. Slender stump can increase socks, fatter stump can reduce socks; then put on the soft stump to receive cavity (or inner cover); then put on a stronger nylon sock jacket on the outer cover of the jacket, this sock jacket has the function of protecting the inner jacket and facilitating the acceptance cavity outside the prosthesis; and then insert the stump with various sock jackets into the prosthesis. External receptive cavity of limb. If the insertion is too difficult, talc powder can be coated on the outside of nylon socks and the inside of the receiving chamber before insertion. When the insertion position is suitable, the belt is fastened, and the excess socks above the belt can be rolled over to cover the belt.

(2) How to determine whether the position of the residual limb penetrating into the acceptance cavity is correct: generally, the amputee is standing with the prosthetic limb, feeling that the residual limb can bear weight evenly in the acceptance cavity without pain, and feeling that the length of the prosthetic limb is also appropriate, then the appropriate wearing position is indicated. If you feel pain at the end of the stump and the prosthesis is short after wearing it, it may be that the stump inserts too much into the acceptance chamber and needs to wear 1-2 layers of stump socks. If the patellar ligament position (patella is knee cap bone, the area of the next transverse finger width is patellar ligament) can not bear the weight, and the weight is mostly located in the lower bone protrusion, it is possible that the residual limb can not be inserted in place, you can try to reduce a layer of residual limb sheath, and then wear the upper prosthesis to feel appropriate.

2. How to train to stand and walk with leg prosthesis?

(1) Standing balance training: Start with parallel bars, crutches, walking sticks to practice correct standing posture, require the body to stand upright, keep a distance of 10 centimeters between the feet, weight can be more evenly placed on prosthetic limbs and healthy limbs, eyes looking forward to the mirror opposite, practice standing steadily, gradually practice standing without holding any objects with both hands. Then, the amputee is allowed to practice standing steadily and not falling in forward, backward, lateral bending and rotating movements.

(2) Body center of gravity transfer training: the position of both feet remains unchanged. The amputee repeatedly shifts most of the body weight to the prosthetic limb (shifting the pelvis to the side of the prosthetic limb, not tilting the upper body to the side of the prosthetic limb), while maintaining body balance.

(3) Unilateral limb standing and load-bearing training: prosthetic limbs and healthy limbs can alternately practice single limb standing and balance. Standing alone on the prosthetic side should last for 3 to 5 seconds. When you start training, you can hold parallel bars or turn. Gradually, you can't stand up.

(4) Walking on parallel bars or on double crutches: Pay attention to the similar stride length of legs and the smaller stride width.

(5) Indoor walking training outside parallel bars without handlebars: If both hands can walk without handlebars in the bars, outside the bars can be trained. Amputees can face a large mirror and walk with their eyes straight along a straight marking line on the ground. Attention should be paid to training the upper body does not sway to the prosthetic side, the lower limbs should be similar in step length, step width should be as small as possible, generally should not exceed 5 cm, the support time of both lower limbs should be similar, the external rotation angle of both feet should be similar (if not similar, the prosthetic technician should be asked to adjust in time).

(6) Up and down stairs and outdoor slopes, uneven road training: The purpose is to adapt amputees to a variety of complex walking environment, general leg amputees are able to adapt. Some young people can also run, long jump and high jump in leg prosthesis, which is not very different from normal people.

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